Archive for the ‘Big Union Files’ Category

This is an excellent comparison piece done by Dick Morris on the differences between Mitt Romney & Newt Gingrich!
I personally agree with Morris on this issue as well both these candidates would make great candidates against Obama and can ultimately make him a 1 termer!


How should the American people assess the performance of their president? One way is to examine key performance metrics, such as jobs, economic growth and inflation. This video offers a comparison of some of these metrics from at the beginning of President Obama’s term to now. You can decide for yourself if you are better off than you were 3 years ago. A special thanks to John E. of the Ace of Spades HQ for providing the infographs used in this video

This President every day more and more is shaping into Jimmy Carter and beyond…

Once again President Obama has failed to reach the millions of NON union members!

Instead of “Sharing the wealth” now it is “Shared Prosperity” If I made a million dollars why should I be obligated to share that? Please someone translate this bumbling idiot!

I am still trying to comprehend the remarks made my Jimmy Hoffa Jr. “Kill the son of bitches” I mean these people see their power slipping away and fast. They are desperate; they claim to be looking out for the workers’ rights! All they care about is the membership dues.

There is a hell of a lot more NON union members than there are members, so basically this moron has declared some kind of “WAR” on everyone NOT affiliated with their pathetic unions.

I like millions of others am an avid Drudge Report guy! Once I seen this story posted on Drudge I immediately went to the article which you can to on REAL CLEAR POLITICS!

HAVE NO WORRIES this is exactly the kind of talk that will make Obama a 1 term President just like Jimmy Carter.

Also have you noticed the Democrat tagline? REPUBLICANS ONLY GOAL IS TO MAKE PRESIDENT OBAMA A 1 TERM PRESIDENT! Do they not comprehend that is exactly our goal just as it is their goal to see the dumbest and blindest Democratic President IN HISTORY is re-elected.

The display by Hoffa Jr. is nothing more than that of pure panic & desperation ignorance to the fact that Obama has Failed America and they are part to blame for it.

p/s: Have they ever found Hoffa Sr. yet?

This does not surprise me one damn bit, but they wonder why the Majority of Americans have such a distaste for unions and why most big companies move to RIGHT TO WORK STATES….

FOX 2 investigative reporter Rob Wolchek got a call from two different workers inside Chrysler‘s Trenton Engine Plant telling him they don’t want to work with people who have been partying.

“It’s dangerous,” says one worker.

Ten months ago, Wolchek revealed how some workers at the Chrysler Jefferson North Plant in Detroit spent their lunch hour drinking beer.  The video showing them going to the park to catch a buzz before heading back to work to finish their shifts gained worldwide attention. Subsequent disciplinary action of the workers was taken by Chrysler. The company does not condone this kind of behavior.

This time our video shows workers a mile from the plant, but just steps away from a United Auto Workers hall. It’s the same kind of problem at a different location with a new method of having a good time; inhaling lunch before finishing a plant shift.

Packy Campbell of Rochester, NH is a father of five, former state legislator and small business owner that is struggling in the Obama economy.

Today, unemployment rose to 9.2%. Sign my petition calling on President Obama to reject White House adviser David Plouffe‘s comments that ‘unemployment rates or even monthly jobs numbers’ do not matter to average Americans

“We will hunt you down . . . slit your throats . . . drink your blood. I will have your decapitated head on a pike in the Madison town square.”

Those are the words of a union militant aimed directly at a Wisconsin state legislator for daring to vote to restrict Big Labor’s forced dues control over Wisconsin state workers.

There were literally dozens of similar recorded death threats along with acts of vandalism leveled against Wisconsin state legislators and Governor Scott Walker for not towing the union boss line.

Even more ominous, the Wisconsin State Journal reported police found “dozens of rounds of live ammunition outside the Capitol” during the height of the Wisconsin protests.

Thankfully union militants did not use that ammunition to make good on their threats . . . at least not yet.

Unfortunately, just last month the New York Daily News reported that a small group of union whistle blowers and members of the Communications Workers of America were not so lucky.

After reporting a timesheet-padding scheme by their local union bosses, one of the whistle blowers was beaten so severely by a union thug he suffered two herniated discs and had to undergo knee surgery.

Another whistle blower found a dead rat in his locker along with a note he would be “taken care of.” And another stated he was told: “If I continue to complain about their finances, they would have me killed.”

The fact is nearly every day ordinary working men and women face death threats, harassment, vandalism and bodily harm if they dare defy the dictates of union officials.

Union bosses consider themselves above the law because — they are — thanks to the notorious Supreme Court Enmons decision.

Today you and I have an opportunity to put an end to all this.

That’s why it’s vital you sign the petition urging your Congressman and Senators to cosponsor and vote for the Freedom From Union Violence Act IMMEDIATELY

The fact is, for decades union bosses and their underlings have committed thousands of reported incidents of violence, extortion, vandalism and even murder.

And in most of these cases these vicious acts of violence and intimidation have not even been investigated, much less prosecuted and punished.

Ever since the Supreme Court’s infamous 1973 Enmons decision, union bosses have been granted immunity from prosecution for acts of violence and vandalism they orchestrate in the so-called “pursuit of legitimate union objectives.”

This outrageous loophole in federal law has effectively tied the hands of federal law enforcement officers and has permitted union bosses and their handpicked “enforcers” to achieve their union goals – by any means necessary.

And, it’s no secret union bosses are all too happy to use violence and terror to achieve their number one goal: force more and more working men and women into paying union dues.

You and I need to make sure union bosses and their henchmen are subject to the same laws as every other lowlife and criminal.

That’s why the Freedom From Union Violence Act must be a top priority in Congress.

But to make this happen I’m going to need your help.

First, will you sign the petition to your Congressman and Senators urging them to co-sponsor and vote for the Freedom From Union Violence Act?

Next, can I also count on you to chip in with a contribution of $10 or more to help the Committee pay for and, just as importantly, expand this critical program?

If we are going to force the politicians in Washington to stand up to the union bosses and end this legalized union terrorism once and for all, it will take an army of concerned and committed Americans just like you.

You see, unless the politicians in Washington are forced to pay attention, they will continue to turn a blind eye to the violence committed by their union boss patrons.

I woke up to the news that President Obama

Is having yet another party at the white house

Inviting his friends such as Rapper “Commons”

The racist who thinks it is ok to kill COPS

As you sit enjoying your poetry night,

I wonder where I will sleep tonight!

I lost my house because lack of jobs

I left my car on the side of the road because

could not afford the gas.

I see your belly is full of laughter

While mine is full of nothing.

Written by
Steven Bravo


I have been humbled by all the encouragement you have given me to run. Thank you for your support. Be sure to watch Hannity this Wednesday at 9pm ET/8pm CT. I will be on to talk about my run for President of the United States.


A typical clown getup

Image via Wikipedia

Herman Cain went down to South Carolina and entered into a Debate and he isn’t sure if he even is going to run? THIS is the kind of clowning around that really is hurting the Republican chances in 2012. You know Trump is toying with the possibility of running but this guy. Herman Cain has formed an exploratory committee, went on to debate 4 other hopefuls, and still has not decided to run?

What the hell is wrong with these clowns? Listen the time to start exposing the far left is now. The time is for us to stop with all the tom foolery and get to business. It seems like all of the potential Republican Nominees want Obama to win re-election. They are moving so slow in this campaign cycle. I have never in my life seen such BS when it comes to Presidential elections before in my life. Are these guys really that damn slow to understand that why they “pussy” foot around Obama is swathing a path across America everyday making it harder and harder to BEAT HIM. None of the 5 in the South Carolina debate could ever draw 5 points against Obama none the less even think of beating him.

This is ridiculous to say the least, And to think Herman Cain has not even decided if he wants to run? THEN WTF ARE YOU DOING ON STAGE PLAYING MAKE BELIEVE THEN?