Archive for the ‘Herman Cain Files’ Category

With his amazing victory in Florida then the absolute stunning victory he pulled in Nevada last night among conservatives. There is no possible way the Gingrich or Santorum camp can continue to play the “He isn’t conservative enough to win” card. As we all know that it is the swing voter that wins Presidential elections. This is hard cold facts!

Common Sense tells me this:

That the Republican vote alone will not win you a Presidential election you need the support and the votes of not only a majority of the Independents but those of Democrats as well. This whole notion that we need to nominate a candidate that totally offends those possible voters is beyond asinine. I listen to Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin along with a few other host and they seem to think that we need a nominee that will spit in the face of non republican voters. This is a fatal flaw in common sense, you have to be able to work with the opposition to get things done. This is something that is currently unfolding right before our very eyes with President Obama.

Great example is listed in the poll below

Now the Republican party is made up of an array of different ideologies, What the conservative view point is they simply just want to elect someone like Rick Santorum who is super conservative and will lose to Obama in the fall by not being able to pull the coveted Independent voter. So they bite the bullet and back someone who is conservative but can appeal to that coveted voter! Newt Gingrich if nominated will lose to Obama in the fall as well. As shown in the poll above Newt is not the man. So we are left with the only candidate that can defeat Obama and after all that is our goal as Republican voters be it super conservative or moderate!

English: Governor Mitt Romney of MA

Image via Wikipedia

#Nevadacaucus update: #Romney: 41% #Gingrich: 25% #Paul: 22% #Santorum: 13% (with only 8% precincts reporting in)


Once again Republicans have taken to the polls well in this case the caucuses of Nevada they have rejected the idea that Mitt Romney is not conservative enough. Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Herman Cain are being proved wrong with each primary election showing very strong opposition to the views of these “Conservative” kings and queens!

Now I realize this is Romney country with Nevada having an extremely high rate of Mormon republicans but how do you explain Florida?





I find it simply amazing that any true Republican Conservative would even consider voting for Newt Gingrich! This comes to me in such a shock because of any political party in America the Republican party stands for morals above all else. Newt Gingrich HAS NONE! Below is some FACTUAL INFORMATION PULLED FROM There is nothing Mitt Romney has done that can compare to what Newt has done. Newt Gingrich is a narcissistic and EXTREMELY corrupt person.

Ron Paul say’s it best:

  • FACT: Newt wants to enter into an Open marriage says Calista doesn’t care what he does. He was sleeping with Calista née Bisek for 8 years while married to Marianne and trying to have then President Bill Clinton impeached over the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
  • FACT: Jan. 22, 1997 Boston Herald: “House reprimands and fines Gingrich” (Andrew Miga, The Boston Herald, 1/22/97)
  • FACT:“The House voted overwhelmingly yesterday to reprimand House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and order him to pay an unprecedented $300,000 penalty, the first time in the House’s 208-year history it has disciplined a speaker with ethical wrongdoing.” (The Washington Post, 1/22/97)
  • FACT: “In the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan withheld all U.S. contributions to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) after determining that UNFPA participated in the support and co-management of China’s population control program. Under the Bush administration, the U.S. withheld funds for the UNFPA from America’s annual contributions to the United Nations due to UNFPA’s complicity in China’s one-child policy enforced through coercive abortion and involuntary sterilization, but the Obama administration and the 111th Congress resumed contributions to UNFPA.” (Office of Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Website, accessed 12/15/11)

Barack Obama’s plan is working: Destroy Mitt Romney and run against Newt Gingrich.

  • FACT:  “Obama Plan: Destroy Romney” (Ben Smith and Jonathan Martin, Politico, 8/9/11)
  • FACT:  “Barack Obama’s aides and advisers are preparing to center the president’s reelection campaign on a ferocious personal assault on Mitt Romney’s character and business background….  ‘Unless things change and Obama can run on accomplishments, he will have to kill Romney,’ said a prominent Democratic strategist aligned with the White House.” (Ben Smith and Jonathan Martin, Politico, 8/9/11)


1st there was Tim Pawlenty now there is Herman Cain who will be next? I can tell you one thing it won’t be Romney…..

Herman Cain:

After much soul searching, Herman Cain announced that he would suspend his campaign as President of the United States. Cain, until allegations emerged was for some time the front runner of the GOP Presidential candidates. His 9-9-9 plan had resonated with voters. The announcement was made at his campaign headquarters in Georgia on a day that was to be the official unveiling. With his wife Gloria by his side, walking hand in hand on the stage, Herman Cain explained why he had chosen to run for President of the United States. He described his humble beginnings, with his father being a chauffeur and his mother a maid in a segregated America.

“I grew up in a world of segregated water fountains,” he said. “My father was a chauffeur and my mother was a maid. We showed that you didn’t have to have a degree from Harvard in order to run from president. We showed that you didn’t have to have a political pedigree…I am proof that a common man could lead this nation.”

“I am at peace with my God, I am at peace with my wife, I am at peace with my family, but most of all I am at peace with myself.” This is how Herman Cain opened his statement that announced the suspension of his campaign.

“I am suspending my presidential campaign because of the continued distraction,” he said. “I am not going to be silenced and I’m not going away. … I will continue to be a voice for the people.”

Cain said that the continued false allegations against him had hurt. He said while some may want him to shut up, he said he would neither shut up or go away.

“I am not going to be silenced and I’m not going away,” Cain said, announcing the launch of, a new organization, which he said would continue to promote his policy ideas, including his signature 9-9-9 economic recovery plan.

He also promised: “I will be making an endorsement in the near future.”

“I am disappointed that it came to this point, that we had to make this decision,” Cain said. ABC

He said that including the occupant in the White House he was fourth He said this was a great nation and that he was proof that a common man could lead the nation.

Herman Cain’s achilles heel

Posted: November 15, 2011 by The STR in Herman Cain Files

Herman Cain has a lot of good ideas but when it comes to foreign policy he is awful…..


How should the American people assess the performance of their president? One way is to examine key performance metrics, such as jobs, economic growth and inflation. This video offers a comparison of some of these metrics from at the beginning of President Obama’s term to now. You can decide for yourself if you are better off than you were 3 years ago. A special thanks to John E. of the Ace of Spades HQ for providing the infographs used in this video

Congressman Ron Paul may be a long shot to win the Republican presidential nomination, but he runs competitively with President Obama right now.The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters shows Paul picking up 37% of the vote, while the president earns 41%. The Texas congressman joins Mitt Romney, Michelle Bachmann, and Rick Perry as candidates within hailing distance of the president at this time.Rudy Giuliani is another potential candidate who is considered a long shot for the nomination but is competitive with the president. The former mayor of New York City trails Obama by five, 44% to 39%.But the real story in the numbers is that the president continues to earn between 41% and 49% of the vote no matter which Republican is mentioned as a potential opponent. This suggests that the race remains a referendum on the incumbent more than anything else.Obama posts a 12-point lead over former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, 44% to 32%.Two Republicans can’t even get to 30% against the president. Businessman Herman Cain and former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, who served as Obama’s ambassador to China, each earn 28% support. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, considered unlikely to run by most observers, trail the president by seven and nine points respectively. Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum trails by 14.ObamaIn reviewing the data, please note that Romney benefits from being perceived as the frontrunner. In 2004, the last time an incumbent president stood for reelection, Vermont Governor Howard Dean was the early Democratic frontrunner, and he polled best against George W. Bush.Massachusetts Senator John Kerry was always a few points behind. However, once Kerry became the frontrunner in early 2008, his numbers became as good as Dean’s.Polls conducted a year-and-a-half before an election provide a snapshot of where things are today but give little indication of what the mood might be on Election Day. If the economy substantially improves before November 2012, the president will be heavily favored to win reelection. If the opposite happens and the country endures a double-dip recession, just about any Republican challenger would be favored. If the economy stays as it is today, the race could be very competitive.A good measure of the president’s reelection prospects is his Job Approval rating among likely voters. His final vote total is likely to be very close to his final Job Approval figures.Romney leads the polls for the GOP nomination among Republican primary voters. However, it is far too early for the polls to give a sense of who is likely to emerge as the Republican nominee. In 2008, John McCain never took the lead in a national primary poll until December 31, 2007.


Election 2012: Romney 43% Obama 42%

Anyone of the Republican presidential candidates could beat Obama in 2012. Just how anyone of the Democrat presidential candidates would have beat the Republican Nominee in 2008 thanks to George W. Bush. In this case 2+2=4 not 3, Also I have seen a humungous drop in Liberal voices and bloggers. Those are mostly what you call your “bandwagon” jumpers. They seen how fast Obama and the Democrats were sinking so they jumped off and onto the Republican bandwagon which by all means COME ON WE WELCOME EVERYONE.

See most Democrats have been spending their time fighting the simple social issues like abortion, gay rights, DADT, DOMA and so forth. While the Republicans have been pounding away at the most important issues of this election cycle and that is how damn bad this Obama oppression (recession) really Is. The majority of American voters are sick of all the broken promises and lies from the Democrats in power.

Nancy “Cockeyed” Pelosi said during the mid-terms “We have nothing to worry about the American people will vote for the Democrats because they know how bad the Republicans made things” Well they actually voted opposite of Pelosi’s prediction and almost wiped out the house Democrats. The American voters sent a very loud and clear message again when they almost wiped out the Governorships in all the states except California and New Your and just look at how F&%^ those 2 states are.

Those of you that do not know this let me share it once again. I am by no means a huge Herman Cain supporter. But what he says in this video does make since I mean after all this is almost exactly what Mitt Romney said in the NH debates.

Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain talks about why the Democrats have it wrong on the economy and tax