Posts Tagged ‘Ronald Reagan’


Over the last week, several people that worked in the Reagan administration have come forward and countered former House Speaker Newt Gingrich‘s claim that he is a “Reagan Republican.” These people say Gingrich “wasn’t on board with a lot of what President Ronald Reagan tried to accomplish during his two terms.”

And although that claim has been disputed by other Reagan administration officials, former Reagan communications director Pat Buchanan told “The McLaughlin Group” this weekend that Gingrich wasn’t seen favorably by those in the administration.

“[I]n the Reagan White House, Newt Gingrich was considered quite frankly by a lot of folks to be something of a political opportunist and who was not trusted and who had played no role whatsoever,” Buchanan said. “He was a Rockefeller Republican in the great Goldwater-Rockefeller battle, where conservatism came of age.”

Buchanan also theorized that Gingrich stumbled in two debates this week because he was caught off guard by all these people who turned on him.

“I do think this, though. Newt has been pounded merciously,” Buchanan said. “He had people he worked with basically turn on him and dump on him down there in Florida, which somehow I think may have had some role in the fact that the great fighter and battler of South Carolina had no fight in him whatsoever in the Monday and Thursday debates in Florida.’

pulled from dailycaller…..

I find it simply amazing that any true Republican Conservative would even consider voting for Newt Gingrich! This comes to me in such a shock because of any political party in America the Republican party stands for morals above all else. Newt Gingrich HAS NONE! Below is some FACTUAL INFORMATION PULLED FROM There is nothing Mitt Romney has done that can compare to what Newt has done. Newt Gingrich is a narcissistic and EXTREMELY corrupt person.

Ron Paul say’s it best:

  • FACT: Newt wants to enter into an Open marriage says Calista doesn’t care what he does. He was sleeping with Calista née Bisek for 8 years while married to Marianne and trying to have then President Bill Clinton impeached over the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
  • FACT: Jan. 22, 1997 Boston Herald: “House reprimands and fines Gingrich” (Andrew Miga, The Boston Herald, 1/22/97)
  • FACT:“The House voted overwhelmingly yesterday to reprimand House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and order him to pay an unprecedented $300,000 penalty, the first time in the House’s 208-year history it has disciplined a speaker with ethical wrongdoing.” (The Washington Post, 1/22/97)
  • FACT: “In the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan withheld all U.S. contributions to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) after determining that UNFPA participated in the support and co-management of China’s population control program. Under the Bush administration, the U.S. withheld funds for the UNFPA from America’s annual contributions to the United Nations due to UNFPA’s complicity in China’s one-child policy enforced through coercive abortion and involuntary sterilization, but the Obama administration and the 111th Congress resumed contributions to UNFPA.” (Office of Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Website, accessed 12/15/11)

Barack Obama’s plan is working: Destroy Mitt Romney and run against Newt Gingrich.

  • FACT:  “Obama Plan: Destroy Romney” (Ben Smith and Jonathan Martin, Politico, 8/9/11)
  • FACT:  “Barack Obama’s aides and advisers are preparing to center the president’s reelection campaign on a ferocious personal assault on Mitt Romney’s character and business background….  ‘Unless things change and Obama can run on accomplishments, he will have to kill Romney,’ said a prominent Democratic strategist aligned with the White House.” (Ben Smith and Jonathan Martin, Politico, 8/9/11)


Newt Gingrich bad-mouths Ronald Reagan in 1988

Ronald Reagan’s speech in support of Barry Goldwater, where he speaks of a rendezvous with destiny.

For those that are not or have not been following the debt ceiling crisis it is getting good, reminds you of an old episode of the “Young & the Restless”. Once again Obama has shown that he lacks any kind of true leadership what so ever. He has his own party now just shaking their head, it wouldn’t surprise me if Debbie Wasserman Schultz the DNC chairwoman started to endorse a Republican candidate.

Obama doesn’t get his way the liberal comes out in him and he stomps off like a big crybaby! That is exactly what he did today during a debt ceiling meting with Rep. Eric Cantor and Rep. John Boehner and others. He is quoted in saying: “Eric, don’t call my bluff,” the president said, warning Cantor that he would take his case “to the American people.” He told Cantor that no other president — not Ronald Reagan, the president said — would sit through such negotiations. He then pushed back said this meeting is over and walked out. WHAT GREAT LEADERSHIP….This President has been the biggest failure since Jimmy Carter.

I find this absolutely historical I mean who wouldn’t?

Sen. John McCain says “There’s a long history of masochism in my family, but not so severe” as to make him want to run again. THANK YOU there is A GOD AFTER ALL. If McCain were to run it would be very bad for the current Republican field.


So to all the McCain supporters HE IS NOT GOING TO RUN!

Newt Gingrich is the architect of the “Contract with America” that led the Republican Party to victory in 1994 by capturing the majority in the U.S. House for the first time in forty years.

Under Newt’s leadership, Congress passed the first balanced budget in a generation, leading to the repayment of over $400 billion in debt.  Congress also cut taxes for the first time in sixteen years and reformed welfare, leading to over sixty percent of welfare recipients either getting a job or going to school.  In addition, the Congress restored funding to strengthen our defense and intelligence capabilities, an action later lauded by the bipartisan 9/11 Commission.

The Washington Times has called Newt Gingrich “the indispensable leader” and Time magazine, in naming him Man of the Year for 1995, said, “Leaders make things possible. Exceptional leaders make them inevitable. Newt Gingrich belongs in the category of the exceptional.”

Born in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Newt’s experiences as the son of a career soldier convinced him at an early age to dedicate his life to his country and to the protection of freedom. Realizing the importance of understanding the past in order to protect the future, he immersed himself in the study of history, receiving his Bachelor’s degree from Emory University and Master’s and Doctorate in Modern European History from Tulane University. Before his election to Congress in 1978, Newt taught History and Environmental Studies at West Georgia College for eight years. He represented Georgia in Congress for twenty years, including four years as Speaker of the House.

Newt served on the Defense Policy Board under President George W. Bush, which provided strategic counsel to the Pentagon and Secretary of Defense on how to better address threats facing the United States.  He is also the longest-serving teacher of the Joint War Fighting course for Major Generals and taught officers from all five services as a Distinguished Visiting Scholar and Professor at the National Defense University.  In 1999, Gingrich was appointed to the United States Commission on National Security/21st Century, the Hart/Rudman Commission to examine our national security challenges as far out as 2025. The Commission’s report is the most profound rethinking of defense strategy since 1947.

Newt is widely recognized for his commitment to a better system of health for all Americans.  His leadership helped save Medicare from bankruptcy, prompted FDA reform to help the seriously ill and initiated a new focus on research, prevention, and wellness. His contributions have been so great that the American Diabetes Association awarded him their highest non-medical award and the March of Dimes named him their 1995 Citizen of the Year.

In 2003, Newt founded the Center for Health Transformation to develop free market healthcare reforms to foster a 21st Century System of health and healthcare that is centered on the individual, prevention focused, knowledge intense and innovation rich.  Newt also served as the Co-Chairman of the National Commission for Quality Long-term Care and the independent congressional Alzheimer’s Disease Study Group.

Newt and his wife, Callista, host and produce award-winning documentary films, including A City Upon a Hill, Nine Days that Changed the World, Ronald Reagan: Rendezvous with Destiny, and Rediscovering God in America. Together, Newt and Callista also author photo books and record audio books.

Newt is the author of twenty-three books, including thirteen New York Times bestsellers.

The Gingriches reside in McLean, Virginia. Their family includes two daughters and two grandchildren.


The American Dream is under attack. In fact, a recent survey found 67% of the American People believe America is headed in the wrong direction. Sadly, this comes as no surprise to those of us who have watched an out-of-control federal government that spends recklessly, taxes too much and oversteps its Constitutional limits far too often.

While our country faces grave and complex problems, America is not lost forever. The glory of the American Dream can still be found in the hearts of those who love Her and the promise of freedom She guarantees.

America is an exceptional nation. America is the greatest idea any man has ever imagined. America is the noblest endeavor humanity has ever known. It is because of this that we have the obligation to preserve the American Dream for generations to come.

President Ronald Reagan once said: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States when men were free.”

(A friendly Alert from the Speaker of the house)

Creating a Better Environment for Job Creation By Cutting Spending, Removing Barriers to Growth


February 5, 2011

When the January unemployment report was released yesterday, Speaker Boehner said, “While any drop is welcome news, the unemployment rate is still too high.” He noted that “The president’s ‘stimulus’ spending binge isn’t working and has failed to deliver on its promise to keep unemployment below eight percent.”

To create a more favorable environment for economic growth, the new majority is keeping its Pledge to America to eliminate the uncertainty facing job creators by reducing spending and removing government barriers to job creation. Watch House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) discuss these efforts in the Weekly Republican Address.

The Pledge to America: A Plan to Help Our Economy Get Back to Creating New Jobs

• Economists and experts explain how out-of-control spending and sky-high deficits threaten economic growth by shackling job creators with higher costs and more uncertainty. Their prescription? Cutting government spending and removing barriers to job growth

• “Washington’s spending spree is over,” declared House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) as he announced new spending limits that keep the Pledge to America by cutting non-security discretionary spending back to pre-“stimulus,” pre-bailout levels.

–> NOTE: This “first salvo” would save taxpayers $58 billion, plus an additional $16 billion in security spending, for a total of $74 billion – with more cuts to come.

• Speaker Boehner told Fox News Sunday: “There is no limit to the amount of spending we’re willing to cut.”

• Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke agreed that “big deficits could hurt economic growth

• By The Numbers: a look at the January unemployment report released yesterday.

President Obama, Democrats Seek More “Stimulus” Spending, More Regulations, Higher Debt Limit

• The White House Chief of Staff said that Democrats want to raise the debt limit without cutting spending – not surprisingly, Americans disagree.

• ABC News reported that Democrats are teaming up with an “army of lobbyists” to keep the spending binge alive.

• Democrats are also working with liberal special interest groups to derail the REINS Act – a proposal designed to rein in job-crushing government regulations and red tape.

• After two years of failed “stimulus” spending that’s left us with fewer jobs and more debt, Democrats held a “mock hearing” to promote their desire for … more of the same failed “stimulus” spending.

• A new survey by USA Today / Gallup shows that voters prefer the GOP plan to cut government spending back to pre-“stimulus,” pre-bailout levels.

ObamaCare’s Unconstitutional Mandates, Tax Hikes, & Penalties Are Stifling job Growth

• The federal judge who ruled that the health care law is unconstitutional cited a small business owner who is struggling with the uncertainty caused by ObamaCare’s costs and mandates.

• Senate Republicans kept their promise to hold a vote on repealing the unconstitutional health care law.

Honoring President Reagan on His 100th Birthday

• “It CAN Be Done”: Boehner Remembers President Reagan in Op-ed

• “A Man Who Shaped Our Times:” Speaker Boehner Honors President Reagan in Essay for USA TODAY

As always, we appreciate your interest in the new House majority and encourage you to stay connected with the Office of the Speaker on Facebook, Twitter, and on Have a great week!

– Speaker Boehner’s Press Office