Archive for the ‘Mitt Romney Files’ Category

Ok so I am reading all this hype about Santorum sweeping Colorado, Missouri and Minnesota last night in the make believe primaries. Let’s all 1st remember that Romney is NOT going to win every state. Also these states are “Socially Conservative” states they are more worried about abortion, gay marriage and etc… They are not really worried about the economy! Also there was a low turn out as well!


So Santorum won all 3 states, let’s look forward to the New York primary 9-1 Romney wins… They are worried about the economy not abortions. When will the far right wing of the Republican party get this? It is about the economy stupid.


Yes you read the title correct! Camp Gingrich has self destructed! While watching the replay of his embarrassing post Nevada Caucuses press conference was nothing short of the funeral for the Gingrich Campaign.


It simply amazes me at how much an ego this guy has! I mean my goodness he lost both Florida and Nevada by double digits. And he still refuses to concede either race to Gov. Romney. This is someone the Republican party does not need!

With his amazing victory in Florida then the absolute stunning victory he pulled in Nevada last night among conservatives. There is no possible way the Gingrich or Santorum camp can continue to play the “He isn’t conservative enough to win” card. As we all know that it is the swing voter that wins Presidential elections. This is hard cold facts!

Common Sense tells me this:

That the Republican vote alone will not win you a Presidential election you need the support and the votes of not only a majority of the Independents but those of Democrats as well. This whole notion that we need to nominate a candidate that totally offends those possible voters is beyond asinine. I listen to Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin along with a few other host and they seem to think that we need a nominee that will spit in the face of non republican voters. This is a fatal flaw in common sense, you have to be able to work with the opposition to get things done. This is something that is currently unfolding right before our very eyes with President Obama.

Great example is listed in the poll below

Now the Republican party is made up of an array of different ideologies, What the conservative view point is they simply just want to elect someone like Rick Santorum who is super conservative and will lose to Obama in the fall by not being able to pull the coveted Independent voter. So they bite the bullet and back someone who is conservative but can appeal to that coveted voter! Newt Gingrich if nominated will lose to Obama in the fall as well. As shown in the poll above Newt is not the man. So we are left with the only candidate that can defeat Obama and after all that is our goal as Republican voters be it super conservative or moderate!

English: Governor Mitt Romney of MA

Image via Wikipedia

#Nevadacaucus update: #Romney: 41% #Gingrich: 25% #Paul: 22% #Santorum: 13% (with only 8% precincts reporting in)


Once again Republicans have taken to the polls well in this case the caucuses of Nevada they have rejected the idea that Mitt Romney is not conservative enough. Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Herman Cain are being proved wrong with each primary election showing very strong opposition to the views of these “Conservative” kings and queens!

Now I realize this is Romney country with Nevada having an extremely high rate of Mormon republicans but how do you explain Florida?


Repeal and replace President Obama’s health care law
Mitt Romney believes that Obamacare must be repealed. On his first day in office, he will issue an executive order paving the way for waivers from Obamacare for all 50 states. Subsequently, he will call on Congress to fully repeal Obamacare, and advocate reforms that return power to the states, improve access by slowing health care cost increases, and make health insurance portable and flexible for today’s economy.

Give states the responsibility, flexibility, and resources to act
The central advantage of our federalist system is that different states will experiment with and settle on the health care solutions that suit their residents best. We can empower states to expand health care access to low-income Americans by block-granting funds for Medicaid and the uninsured. Mitt Romney’s reforms also offer the states resources to help the chronically ill, to improve their access to care, and to improve the functioning of insurance markets for others.

Empower individuals to purchase their own insurance
The tax code currently offers open-ended subsidies for the purchase of insurance through employers. Mitt Romney will expand the tax deduction to also include those who buy their own health insurance. This simple change creates the best of both worlds. Absolutely nothing will change for those who like their current coverage. And individuals who don’t get coverage through their employers will have portable, lower-cost options.

Focus federal regulation of health care on making markets work
Mitt Romney believes that the federal regulation of health care should be limited and focused. Obamacare takes an opposite approach and uses federal regulation in an all-encompassing manner. Mitt will use limited federal regulation to correct common failures in insurance markets, while eliminating counterproductive federal rules. For example, individuals who are continuously covered for a specified period of time may not be denied access to insurance because of pre-existing conditions. Mitt also believes that individuals should be allowed to purchase insurance across state lines, free from costly state benefit requirements. Finally, individuals and small businesses should be allowed to form purchasing pools to lower insurance costs and improve choice.

Reform the broken medical liability system
The current medical liability system encourages defensive medicine and drives up health care costs. To address these problems, Mitt Romney will cap non-economic damages in medical malpractice litigation. He also believes in providing innovation grants to states for additional medical liability reforms, such as alternative dispute resolution or health care courts.

Make health care more like a market and less like a government program
Mitt Romney will strengthen health savings accounts (HSAs), which help consumers save for health expenses and choose cost-effective insurance. For example, he believes that we should permit HSA funds to be used to pay for health insurance premiums. The market reforms Mitt is proposing will drive down costs, better inform consumers, and improve the quality of health care in our nation.

So Obama has been going around touting how wonderful the economy is and warned congress not to murk it up? REALLY? Mighty funny how 50 people myself included just got laid off today because of Obama’s wonderful so called economy. The reason for the lay offs were due to a BAD economy!


The one positive thing I take from being laid off is I get to blog more! Also I get to really follow the next President of the united states of America speech by speech, interview by interview and that is Mitt Romney.


So don’t let Obama fool you again with his rhetoric of hope and change and things are better.






Over the last week, several people that worked in the Reagan administration have come forward and countered former House Speaker Newt Gingrich‘s claim that he is a “Reagan Republican.” These people say Gingrich “wasn’t on board with a lot of what President Ronald Reagan tried to accomplish during his two terms.”

And although that claim has been disputed by other Reagan administration officials, former Reagan communications director Pat Buchanan told “The McLaughlin Group” this weekend that Gingrich wasn’t seen favorably by those in the administration.

“[I]n the Reagan White House, Newt Gingrich was considered quite frankly by a lot of folks to be something of a political opportunist and who was not trusted and who had played no role whatsoever,” Buchanan said. “He was a Rockefeller Republican in the great Goldwater-Rockefeller battle, where conservatism came of age.”

Buchanan also theorized that Gingrich stumbled in two debates this week because he was caught off guard by all these people who turned on him.

“I do think this, though. Newt has been pounded merciously,” Buchanan said. “He had people he worked with basically turn on him and dump on him down there in Florida, which somehow I think may have had some role in the fact that the great fighter and battler of South Carolina had no fight in him whatsoever in the Monday and Thursday debates in Florida.’

pulled from dailycaller…..