Posts Tagged ‘Politics’


Ron Paul is the only authentic conservative in this race, and the only one capable of bringing authentic change to Washington. He is the only sole alternative to flip-floppers responsible for the costly mistakes of the past.

Jon Huntsman claims to be a conservative – claims to love America – but the real story is his true values and whom his love is really for.

It is time for a return to constitutional government – not for a furthering of an anti-American government.

Hey guys sorry but we are officially back from Sabbatical…Also please check out our website we are going to start cranking up the STR show once again….This is going to be excited and fun we will be talking about POLITICS the official time is kind of messed up right now but we are leaning towards a 8-10 or 9-11 show…The STR = THE WORLD MOST INFAMOUS CONTROVERSIAL TALK SHOW TAKE THAT AND MIX IN HARD RIGHT LEANING VIEWS = EPIC ENTERTAINMENT…ALSO WE ENCOURAGE YOU GUYS TO CALL IN AS WELL HERE IS THE CALL IN INFORMATION (LONG DISTANCE RATES WILL APPLY UNLESS YOU HAVE FREE LONG DISTANCE) CALL IN LINE: Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 98269…..


When you confront Liberals and use pure fact and truth this is the reactions you get from them. All they can do is resort to some pathetic name calling showing their true ignorance at the subject in hand.  Notice the tweet from Ester that says I have been Blocked. This is typical Liberal behavior when they are confronted with facts they go into what you call a trance like state. But it is not Ester I have an issue with it is the failed liberal’s he/she believes in…

The Democrat Party recognized early on that despite the baseless hoopla with which they were ushered into office, they quickly realized that putting their dreams into practice meant going against the American majority’s idea of recovery: that being the notion of sucking it up through a tough spot, and picking themselves up and getting the job done.

The Democrat Party bought into the statist notion of redistribution, yet understood that to do so meant certain electoral doom, as was demonstrated last November.

The reason these same statists haven’t bothered to push their own ideas is actually quite simple: to do so would mean yet another defeat at the ballot box, hence, they’re going to do everything they can to ensure as many of their enemies (read: Republicans) as possible are placed in a position to meet their electoral doom, as well. After all, if the Democrat Party is destined to fail, they might as well find as many Republicans as they can to blame it on.


It is hard for me to tell who is Republican or who is Democrat because they all vote so similar…..

Chris Christie‘s chief Democratic rival in New Jersey is almost struck by lightning on camera.

Well not quite but it could have been a very similar situation if President Obama had’nt caved in like a tin can to the Republicans…SHUT IT THE HELL DOWN was the chants that filled Washington and now filled Minnesota‘s State Government.

Minnesota’s state government has shut down for the second time in six years after political leaders couldn’t agree on how to solve a $5 billion budget deficit.

More failed liberal policies that are crippling our nation…the time has come to stand up to the Liberal war machine

Sarah Palin in Savannah, Georgia, Dec 1, 2008 ...

Image via Wikipedia

Ok so I get asked this question a lot from people all the time. Will Sarah Palin run for POTUS? Here is my reason for the answer I always tell them. Which is I DO NOT THINK she is going to run. I like Sarah Palin I rally do despite what people say. But I do not think she is going to run if she was going to run I believe she would have “Made it official” already. But we all know Mrs. Palin is very unpredictable and could make an announcement out of the blue. Kind of like Rep. Bachmann did Monday night. I can see her throwing her weight behind Rep. Bachmann’s bid and who knows if some reason Bachmann wins the nod she could even pick Palin as her running mate now that would be TRUE history in the making.

Steven Bravo of the STR has personally taken a special interest into the whole (D) Rep. Anthony Weiner story. The plot thickens even more now…Porn Star comes forward and says that Democrat Rep. Anthony Wiener asked her to lie about their twitter conversations. Everyday more and more information is coming to light.

While Lee said she did not initiate sexual talk with Weiner, she did say the congressman’s messages were often sexually suggestive.