Archive for July 14, 2011

“I was truly hopeful that the President could be persuaded to view the upcoming debt limit vote as an opportunity to cut Washington spending and the debt that has ballooned since he took office, and to preserve entitlements at the same time. But in the end, he just wasn’t interested in doing something of that magnitude that would pass. He really gave us three bad choices: higher taxes, smoke and mirrors, or default. And we refuse to accept any of them. Republicans not be reduced to being the tax collectors for the Obama economy. We won’t be seduced into calling a bad deal a good deal. And we won’t let the White House fool around with the full faith and credit of the United States. If the President wants to threaten seniors or veterans or rattle the world economy by pretending he can’t pay our bills, he of course can do that. But he is not going to implicate Republicans in these efforts,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said.

This does not surprise me one damn bit, but they wonder why the Majority of Americans have such a distaste for unions and why most big companies move to RIGHT TO WORK STATES….

FOX 2 investigative reporter Rob Wolchek got a call from two different workers inside Chrysler‘s Trenton Engine Plant telling him they don’t want to work with people who have been partying.

“It’s dangerous,” says one worker.

Ten months ago, Wolchek revealed how some workers at the Chrysler Jefferson North Plant in Detroit spent their lunch hour drinking beer.  The video showing them going to the park to catch a buzz before heading back to work to finish their shifts gained worldwide attention. Subsequent disciplinary action of the workers was taken by Chrysler. The company does not condone this kind of behavior.

This time our video shows workers a mile from the plant, but just steps away from a United Auto Workers hall. It’s the same kind of problem at a different location with a new method of having a good time; inhaling lunch before finishing a plant shift.

Presidential Candidate Ron Paul‘s first television ad of the 2012 campaign highlights his role as the national leader of the strong opposition movement against raising the country’s debt ceiling.

Ron Paul is the only national leader with the experience, record, and credibility to stand up to the debt limit scheme, cut the spending now, and save our dollar.

Find out more about Ron Paul at and learn how you can help him win the Republican nomination for President and Restore America Now.

Packy Campbell of Rochester, NH is a father of five, former state legislator and small business owner that is struggling in the Obama economy.