Archive for July 6, 2011

In a sense he does make a good point here….

“You know, what I don’t understand about it is they’re [the media] all card-carrying liberals. When does the death of a child bother them? I’ve never seen them get so upset over the death of a child,” Rush Limbaugh said about the Casey Anthony verdict in his monologue on Wednesday.

“If the child had died, what, two years earlier in the womb this woman would be a star. She’d be a hero. And folks, I don’t think that is a cliche to say. And I don’t think it is as cheap attempt at humor. I think that while it may be uncomfortable to hear — one of the reasons it is uncomfortable to hear is that there is an element of truth in it,” Limbaugh added.

Rush told the media if they want to feel better, they should imagine that Casey Anthony had an abortion instead:

“You people in the media, if you really, really think she is guilty and you want to feel better about this just tell yourselves that she waited a couple of years to get an abortion and then you’ll feel better.”

“Abortion is brutal, [it’s] never characterized that way and the reason it is brutal is because there is an element of truth of it. I just wanted to put it out there. Pure and simple, nothing more.”

People waiting in line for a chance to see the Casey Anthony trial tussle and fight. video courtesy of FOX 35.

Casey Anthony has been booked into the Orange ...

Image via Wikipedia

1st off let me make myself clear I think she is not completely innocent, I do not think she premeditated to kill her daughter Caylee. But I can understand why a lot of people think she did. When dealing with the death of a child especially in this type of scenario people want justice they want someone to pay for what happen to that innocent child, I want justice for Caylee as well. But to try and convict someone for 1st degree murder that carries the death penalty over very shaky circumstantial evidence is not the right thing to do. The states evidence in this case is based solely on circumstantial evidence alone. Was Casey a liar? YES does that mean she is guilty of 1st degree murder? NO!

George Anthony was a horrible witness for the state he was argumentative, rude, and unbelievable. The defense was able to break him down on the stand and show just how emotionally unstable he really was. Which leads me to the defenses “posturing” it is the job of a defense attorney to make sure their client wins regardless. Jose Baez did a great job at keeping the jury from really concentrating on how much of a horrible person Casey really was. With his opening statements of him saying that Caylee drowned and then later on the molestation allegations along with incest, he also went as far as saying that Casey’s brother Lee could be the father. What this did was throw major waves into an already rocky pond.

So it comes down to not being able to link all the allegations of 1st degree murder, aggravated manslaughter of a child, Aggravated child abuse. This is a true testament to how great our justice system is, so many people will knock the justice system and complain about how it is “broken” but when it comes down to it and they get caught up in a jam they will be thankful for the American justice system. As I stated early shortly after the verdict was reached, if you do not like the American justice system then move to China or Iran. And enjoy their justice system, we have a constitution and every AMERICAN citizen is entitled to due process.

My closing arguments:
I am glad to see Casey Anthony beat these ridiculous charges, I predicted she would be acquitted for the lack of evidence produced by the state. This goes to show you that the American justice system is NOT broken and that you are and always will be innocent until proven guilty. There was ZERO forensic evidence that linked Casey to the murder of her daughter cut and dry. This was a “dry bones” case. Very hard to get a conviction on a dry bones case.

Written by:
Steven Bravo | Founder of The STR